Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual (Moto G 2014 User Manual)

This is the collection of Moto G 2nd Gen user manuals (Moto G 2014 user manuals) in all languages.

All the Moto G 2nd Gen user manuals are in PDF format and therefore you can download to read them offline in almost all devices: PC, tablets, phones.

If you are looking for the Moto G  1st gen user manual, please check this page. We put these user guides for Moto G 2014 in this separate page to avoid confusions.

For Moto G4 (including Moto G4, Moto G4 Play and Moto G4 Plus, aka Moto G 2016)) owners, you can check and download official Moto G4 user manuals in 13 languages in this page.

Moto G3 (Moto G 2015, aka Moto G 3rd Gen) user manuals can be found here.

For Moto G4 owners, please check Moto G4 User Manual: official PDF user guide for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play.

For Moto G5 and Moto G5 Plus owners, you may check Official Moto G5 User Manual and Moto G5 Plus User Manual.

If you cannot find the Moto G 2nd Gen user manual in your language, please let us know it in the comment box below. We will try to find one for you.

1. Moto G 2nd Gen User  Manual in English

This user guide is for Moto G 2nd generation (Moto G 2014). The language used in this manual is English (US).

If you cannot find the user guide for Moto G  2nd Generation (Moto G 2014), you may try this user guide. It applies to most Moto G 2014 models sold internationally.

Download link (PDF format, right click, save as to download): Moto G 2nd Generation (Moto G 2014) User Manual in English

2. Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Dutch language (Nederlands, Netherlands)

The Dutch language (Nederlands, Netherlands) version of Moto G 2nd Gen user  manual is for Motorola Moto G 2nd Gen (Moto G 2014) smartphone sold in Netherlands (Nederland).

If you Moto G was bought in other markets, please try to find the matched user guide, although the difference may be marginal.

Please download the Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Dutch language (Nederlands, Netherlands)


3. Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Danish Language (dansk, Denmark)

The Danish Language (dansk, Denmark) version of Moto G 2nd Gen user  manual is for Motorola Moto G 2nd Gen (Moto G 2014) smartphone sold in Denmark (Kingdom of Denmark).

If you Moto G was bought in other markets, please try to find the matched user guide, although the difference may be marginal.

Please download the Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Danish Language (dansk, Denmark) here.

4. Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Finnish Language (Suomen kieli, Finland)

The Finnish Language (Suomen kieli, Finland) version of Moto G 2nd Gen user  manual is for Motorola Moto G 2nd Gen (Moto G 2014) smartphone sold in Finland (Republic of Finland).

If you Moto G was bought in other markets, please try to find the matched user guide, although the difference may be marginal.

Please download the Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Finnish Language (Suomen kieli, Finland) here.

5. Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in German language (Deutsch, Germany)

The German language (Deutsch, Germany) version of Moto G 2nd Gen user  manual is for Motorola Moto G 2nd Gen (Moto G 2014) smartphone sold in Germany (Federal Republic of Germany).

If you Moto G was bought in other markets, please try to find the matched user guide, although the difference may be marginal.

Please download the Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in German language (Deutsch, Germany) here.

6. Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Greek language (ελληνικά, Greece)

The Greek language (ελληνικά, Greece) version of Moto G 2nd Gen user  manual is for Motorola Moto G 2nd Gen (Moto G 2014) smartphone sold in Greece (Hellenic Republic).

If you Moto G was bought in other markets, please try to find the matched user guide, although the difference may be marginal.

Please download the Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Greek language (ελληνικά, Greece) here.

7. Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Hebrew language (עברית ʿIvrit, Israel)

The Hebrew language (עברית ʿIvrit, Israel) version of Moto G 2nd Gen user  manual is for Motorola Moto G 2nd Gen (Moto G 2014) smartphone sold in Israel (State of Israel).

If you Moto G was bought in other markets, please try to find the matched user guide, although the difference may be marginal.

Please download the Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Hebrew language (עברית ʿIvrit, Israel) here.

8. Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Italian language (Italiano, Lingua italiana, Italy)

The Italian language (Italiano, Lingua italiana, Italy) version of Moto G 2nd Gen user  manual is for Motorola Moto G 2nd Gen (Moto G 2014) smartphone sold in Italy (Italian Republic).

If you Moto G was bought in other markets, please try to find the matched user guide, although the difference may be marginal.

Please download the Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Italian language (Italiano, Lingua italiana, Italy) here.

9. Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Polish language (język polski, Poland)

The Polish language (język polski, Poland) version of Moto G 2nd Gen user  manual is for Motorola Moto G 2nd Gen (Moto G 2014) smartphone sold in Poland (Republic of Poland).

If you Moto G was bought in other markets, please try to find the matched user guide, although the difference may be marginal.

Please download the Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Polish language (język polski, Poland) here.

10. Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Spanish language (español, Spain)

The Spanish language (español, Spain) version of Moto G 2nd Gen user  manual is for Motorola Moto G 2nd Gen (Moto G 2014) smartphone sold in Spain (Kingdom of Spain).

If you Moto G was bought in other markets, please try to find the matched user guide, although the difference may be marginal.

Please download the Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Spanish language (español, Spain) here.

11. Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Swedish Language (svenska, Sweden)

The Swedish Language (svenska, Sweden) version of Moto G 2nd Gen user  manual is for Motorola Moto G 2nd Gen (Moto G 2014) smartphone sold in Sweden (Kingdom of Sweden).

If you Moto G was bought in other markets, please try to find the matched user guide, although the difference may be marginal.

Please download the Moto G 2nd Gen User Manual in Swedish Language (svenska, Sweden) here.

If you cannot find the Moto G 2nd Gen user manual (Moto G 2014 user manual) in your own language,  please let us know in the comment box below.

We will try to find the Moto G 2nd Gen user manual in your language.

Please do not forget to read more step-by-step guides , tips and tricks for your Moto G phone in  our most popular Moto G how-to guide page.

For more Moto G online manual pages, please check this page.


View Comments

  • dear sir am tring many time

    for connect my mobile in PC but three option is available 1 charging only 2 transfer file (MTP) 3 transfer photo (PTP) and 4 is MDI am tring all option by USB cable 1 and 3 points is working properly but another option is not work properly and not open my memory card so please suggest me

  • guys help me to solve the problem of my home screen ,which is looking up to down and i want it to look it left to right in moto g2

  • Moto G 2nd Generation (Moto G 2014) User Manual in English link on this page and others seems broken. Please help.

    • All PDF links work. Would you please reload the page and let us know the number of the corresponding manual?

  • I have tried everything to clear my voicemail notification. I disabled notifications for ✆ and messaging. I've googled the issue to no avail. Please help! Moto G 2nd gen. Lollipop 5.0.2

  • today i updated my motog to lollipop 5.02 and in that there is no widget or shortcut options for "WiFi,Bluetooth,sinc data shortcuts. in kitkat they was a widget option in which all wifi,sinc,bluetooth etc so tell me how can i get shortcut or widget for wofo,sinc data,bluetooth,brightness shortcuts.
    i checked in widgets and settings but they is not shortcut options