Moto G4 User Manual: official PDF user guide for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play

Motorola (Lenovo) announced 3 models of Moto G4. This Moto G4 User Manual page lists the official user manual for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play.

For the differences of the 3 Moto G4 models: Moto G4, Moto G4 Play and Moto G4 Plus, please check this page.

This page is a collection of user manuals (in PDF) for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play.

For Moto G5 and Moto G5 Plus user manuals, please check this page.

For Moto G3 (Moto G 2015) user manuals, please check this page.

For Moto G2 (Moto G 2014) user manuals, please check this page.

For Moto G (Moto G 2013, Moto G 1st gen) user manuals, please check this page.

We will add new languages of Moto G4 User Manual once they are released. So, please bookmark this page and check it later if you cannot find the language version you want.

Official Moto G4 user manual is provided free to all visitors. No registration is required. You can download and read them at any time.

As these Moto G4 user manuals are all in Portable Document Format (PDF). You can read in the browser online. You can also download the PDF file and read it in PC, tablet or your Moto G4.

To read official Moto G4 user manual on PC, you can use any PDF reader, e.g., the free official PDF reader from Adobe.

On your tablet or mobile devices, you can use any PDF reader apps. For example, the pre-installed Google Drive app can open PDF files nicely. Of course, you can get a dedicated PDF reader, e.g., the free Adobe Acrobat PDF reader.

1. Moto G4 user manual in English language (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play)

This English language version of Moto G4 user manual is for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play in US, Europe, Asia and many other regions.

If you cannot find a Moto G4 user manual for your Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play in your language, you may try this manual first.

Download link for Moto G4 user manual in English language (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play) (PDF format, right click, choose save as to download): Moto G4 user manual in English language (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play).

2. Moto G4 user manual in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Português do Brasil)

This Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil) version of Moto G4 user manual is for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play sold in Brazil.

If you cannot find a Moto G4 user manual for your Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play in your language, you may try the English one (#1).

Download link for Moto G4 user manual in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Português do Brasil)(PDF format, right click, choose save as to download): Moto G4 user manual in English language (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play).

3. Moto G4 user manual in Spanish language (español) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Spain)

This Spanish language (español) version of Moto G4 user manual is for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play sold in Spain.

If you cannot find a Moto G4 user manual for your Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play in your language, you may try the English one (#1).

Download link for Moto G4 user manual in Spanish language (español) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Spain) (PDF format, right click, choose save as to download): Moto G4 user manual in Spanish language (español) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Spain).

4. Moto G4 user manual in Italian Language (Lingua italiana) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Italy)

This Italian Language (Lingua italiana) version of Moto G4 user manual is for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play sold in Italy.

If you cannot find a Moto G4 user manual for your Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play in your language, you may try the English one (#1).

Download link for Moto G4 user manual in Italian Language (Lingua italiana) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Italy) (PDF format, right click, choose save as to download): Moto G4 user manual in Italian Language (Lingua italiana) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Italy).

5. Moto G4 user manual in German language (Deutsch) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Germany)

This German language (Deutsch) version of Moto G4 user manual is for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play sold in Germany.

If you cannot find a Moto G4 user manual for your Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play in your language, you may try the English one (#1).

Download link for Moto G4 user manual in German language (Deutsch) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Spain) (PDF format, right click, choose save as to download): Moto G4 user manual in German language (Deutsch) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Germany).

6. Moto G4 user manual in French language (le français) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, France)

This French language (le français) version of Moto G4 user manual is for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play sold in France.

If you cannot find a Moto G4 user manual for your Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play in your language, you may try the English one (#1).

Download link for Moto G4 user manual in French language (le français) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, France) (PDF format, right click, choose save as to download): Moto G4 user manual in French language (le français) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, France).

7. Moto G4 user manual in Serbian language (српски srpski) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Republic of Serbia)

This Serbian language (српски srpski)  version of Moto G4 user manual is for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play sold in Republic of Serbia.

If you cannot find a Moto G4 user manual for your Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play in your language, you may try the English one (#1).

Download link for Moto G4 user manual in Serbian language (српски srpski) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Republic of Serbia) (PDF format, right click, choose save as to download): Moto G4 user manual in Serbian language (српски srpski) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Republic of Serbia).

8. Moto G4 user manual in Slovenian Language (slovenski jezik) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Slovenia)

This Slovenian Language (slovenski jezik)  version of Moto G4 user manual is for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play sold in Slovenia.

If you cannot find a Moto G4 user manual for your Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play in your language, you may try the English one (#1).

Download link for Moto G4 user manual in Slovenian Language (slovenski jezik) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Slovenia) (PDF format, right click, choose save as to download): Moto G4 user manual in Slovenian Language (slovenski jezik) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Slovenia).

9. Moto G4 user manual in Ukrainian language (українська мова, ukrayins’ka mova) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Ukraine)

This Ukrainian language (українська мова, ukrayins’ka mova) version of Moto G4 user manual is for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play sold in Ukraine.

If you cannot find a Moto G4 user manual for your Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play in your language, you may try the English one (#1).

Download link for Moto G4 user manual in Ukrainian language (українська мова, ukrayins’ka mova) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Ukraine) (PDF format, right click, choose save as to download): Moto G4 user manual in Ukrainian language (українська мова, ukrayins’ka mova) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Ukraine).

10. Moto G4 user manual in Japanese language (日本語) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Japan)

This Japanese language (日本語) version of Moto G4 user manual is for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play sold in Japan.

If you cannot find a Moto G4 user manual for your Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play in your language, you may try the English one (#1).

Download link for Moto G4 user manual in Japanese language (日本語) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Japan) (PDF format, right click, choose save as to download): Moto G4 user manual in Japanese language (日本語) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Japan).

11. Moto G4 user manual in Traditional Chinese language (正體中文) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Taiwan and Hong Kong)

This Traditional Chinese language (正體中文) version of Moto G4 user manual is for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play sold in Taiwan and Hong Kong.

If you cannot find a Moto G4 user manual for your Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play in your language, you may try the English one (#1).

Download link for Moto G4 user manual in Traditional Chinese language (正體中文) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Taiwan and Hong Kong) (PDF format, right click, choose save as to download): Moto G4 user manual in Traditional Chinese language (正體中文) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Taiwan and Hong Kong).

12. Moto G4 user manual in Persian language (Parsi / Farsi; فارسی / پارسی) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, the Middle East)

This Persian language (Parsi / Farsi; فارسی / پارسی) version of Moto G4 user manual is for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play sold in the Middle East.

If you cannot find a Moto G4 user manual for your Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play in your language, you may try the English one (#1).

Download link for Moto G4 user manual in Persian language (Parsi / Farsi; فارسی / پارسی) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, the Middle East) (PDF format, right click, choose save as to download): Moto G4 user manual in Persian language (Parsi / Farsi; فارسی / پارسی) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, the Middle East).

13. Moto G4 user manual in Urdu language (اُردُو) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, India and Pakistan)

This Urdu language (اُردُو) version of Moto G4 user manual is for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play sold in India and Pakistan.

If you cannot find a Moto G4 user manual for your Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play in your language, you may try the English one (#1).

Download link for Moto G4 user manual in Urdu language (اُردُو) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, India and Pakistan) (PDF format, right click, choose save as to download): Moto G4 user manual in Urdu language (اُردُو) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, India and Pakistan).

Do you find Moto G4 user manual for your Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play in your language?

If you cannot find the Moto G4 user manual for  Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play in your own language, please let us know in the comment box below.

We will try to find it for you.

Please do not forget to read more step-by-step guides, tips and tricks for Moto G, Moto G 2014 (Moto g 2nd Gen), Moto G 2015 (Moto G 3rd Gen), Moto G4 and Moto G5 in  our most popular Moto G how-to guide page.

You may also check Moto G online manual page to learn how to use Moto G, Moto G 2014 (Moto g 2nd Gen), Moto G 2015 (Moto G 3rd Gen), Moto G4 and Moto G5.

For questions on Android Marshmallow, you may check this page.


View Comments

  • I don't know where to find the pictures I have taken with the Moto4. I know that sounds dumb but I am 74 and these cell phones are new to me.

  • Hello.

    I have installed Android Nougat on my Moto G4 plus.
    After this I c'ant transfer my photos to my computer!
    Can you help mee.

    • Can the computer find the Moto G4? Did your check notifications on Moto G4 after connecting to the PC?

  • I purchased Moto g4 plus mobile phone on line. Its unfortunate that I have not received any user manual with it. I hereby request you to send me the hard copy of user manual in English at address mentioned beside my name.



      • Unfortunately, Motorola did not release the Moto G4 user manual in any of the three languages. You have to try the English version.

    • This is a community site for Moto G owners to help other owners. If you have any requests on your phone, you should contact the seller or Motorola service center.

      But I don't think any smartphone vendors offer hardcopies of the user manual nowadays.

    • Unfortunately, Motorola has not released the Dutch version of the user manual for Moto G4 (all variants). You can try the English one.

    • I don't think Motorola released the Danish version user manual for Moto G4. You have to try the English one.

      We will add a few language versions of Moto G user manual this weekend. But we do not have any for Scandinavian languages.

    • Added: #3. Moto G4 user manual in Spanish language (español) (for Moto G4, Moto G4 Plus and Moto G4 Play, Spain)

    • I don't think Motorola release the Greek language version of Moto G4 user manual. You may try the English version one.